Sunday 26 August 2012

technologies computers & latest gadgets

Hi guys good day guys  its me again ruben cuizon jr and wlcome to my 3rd  blog
The topic all about is technologies many people doesn’t know what is a
 Computers & gadgets etc.

My topic is technology computer & latest gadgets

Categories / computers, gadgets

What is technology?

How technology affected us in our daily life?
Example of technology
What  is a computer?
How computer help us?
What is the work of a computer?
What is gadget?

What is technology?

Technology is modern in our modern world. It can help us  in our daily life ,It  will help our work become easier and faster. Many people invented the latest
technology. Technology describes automobile, crafts, communication. Their
are a lot of things that discovered with the help  of technology.
Many universities in the world uses modern technology in their facilities.
To become lecturer. Students easy to study their lessons with the help of modern technologies and latest facilities.

How  technology affect ed  us in our daily life?
Working people uses the latest technologies to become more easier and faster. In communications  technology people uses phone to keep a long distance call. Many known people discover technologies like Alexander graham bill invented the telephone. Wright brothers invented the airplane, So that people can travel by air

Example of technogy
Many  examples of technology. Cellular phones, computers, android tablet, netbook, atm
Cars, laser treatment  


What is a computer?

Computer is a kind of machine or device that we can get many information in our world. It can connect us in many places in a cyber world and world wide web also known as triple w or www
It  can download software, can save files, upload many profiles.

How can computer help us?

Computer help us many ways example our long distance connect with use of computer and internet we can play online games, gathering data search engine like google, yahoo, blogging online, online advertisement as you can see many people using computer for files. 

What is the function of a computer?

Many offices in the world establishment company uses computer for jobs.
Many people uses computer. As you can see many jobless people uses computer
for earning money online jobs. Many university uses computer online for online education courses.

What is a gadget?
A gadget is a small tool such as a machine that has a particular function, but is often thought of as a novelty. Gadgets are sometimes referred to as gizmos.